Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I will try to sneak in a quick post - things have been SO busy!! Christmas was wonderful - Gavin had an absolute blast!! We spent Christmas Eve at our Aunt Patty's hanging out and being silly. Gavin loves playing with Aunt Patty and her family - he is such the ladies man =) Gavin was so excited when he saw that Santa had come to our house. He of course got more toys than we have room for! We stayed at our house for Christmas and everyone came to us - Uncle Wayne, Aunt Donna, David and Christina - then my whole family came over - so we had about 20 people at our house for Christmas!! We all had tons of fun hanging out, celebrating and enjoying each other's company. I cooked a 12 pound ham, and it actually was very good (I was pretty proud of myself!!) Steven got me a purple iPod Nano =) He actually created a fun scavenger hunt for me to actually find my gift - very creative, and thoughtful!!

I had off for 12 days over the holidays so I just got back to work on Monday. The vacation was really great and it was fun to spend extra time with Steven.

Gotta cut this post short - need to get back to work - lost track of time!! I will try to finish it up tomorrow =)

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