Tuesday, July 22, 2008

a little behind..

Haven't written in a week.. and man it's been busy! We enjoyed some time at the playground in our neighborhood. Gavin really loves climbing up the stairs and going down the slide like a big boy! Steven and I felt like kids again too - playing on the swings, crossing the monkey bars and going down the slide head first :-) Enjoy these photos of our time at the playground!

We also enjoyed another trip to the Lancaster Barnstormer's game on Saturday. It was super hot but we managed to still have a great time. The game went into extra innings and the Barnstormers lost but it was still TONS of fun! Gavin enjoyed a ball park hot dog, nachos and some ice cream :-) He really seems to enjoy watching baseball. We were there again for over five hours and he never fussed - not once! After the game we watched the fireworks. Gavin liked watching them but we had to keep his ears covered because he wasn't a big fan of all the noise. Steven and I wish we would have gotten a 7 game package for the Barnstormers because Gavin really enjoys going. We'll have to keep that in mind for next summer! Take a look at our photos from the game.. we really had a great time!!

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