Friday, September 4, 2009

silly hats and baseball games!

My son is truly adorable =)  the cutest little boy I've ever seen!!  (I know every mom says this about their children, just let me say it!!)  He is so much fun and loves to laugh - he makes me smile and makes me so incredibly happy to be his mommy!  He and I were working on cleaning his room and the play room the other night (which will soon become the nursery!) and he found this funny hat my mom gave him for a cute Valentine's Day skit.  As soon as he spotted the hat he put it on and jumped on his horse like a real cowboy (except this isn't really your typical cowboy hat!)  He had a BLAST, as you can tell, and did not want to take that silly hat off.  Steven and I joke that it's his "pimp" hat but obviously we wouldn't say that to him.
On Sunday we enjoyed a Barnstormers double-header in the skybox that Steven's work owns.  (well not the company he works for but the company his company works for - get it?!?!!)  Free tickets, beautiful weather, and *some* free food - how could we go wrong?!  Well, in the previous years they have had free hot dogs, wings, chips, beer, soda.. all the good ball game food.  Not this time - in an attempt to save some $ they cut out all the free *good* food.. all except the peanuts, sodas and some chips and dip.  Bummer!!  So Steven and I were preparing all day for this yummy free ball park food, only to get there and realize we had been jipped!  Oh well, we still managed to have a great time, as always!!  My brother-in-law, his girlfriend and our cousin David went along with us, talk about a fun crew =)  Next year we will be going as a family of 4 - yikes!!

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